美联社新闻一分钟 AP NEWS 2008-01-22(在线收听

1. The three leading Democratic presidential candidates are honoring the memory of Martin Luther King Junior. Barack Obama, John Edwards and Hillary Rodham Clinton were all at the State House in Colombia, South Carolina. Thousands turned out for the rally honoring the civil rights leader just five days before the state's primary.

2. There is a new warning about caffeine and pregnancy. Researchers in California warn pregnant women who drink two or more caffeinated drinks double their risk of having a miscarriage. That's because the stimulant constricts blood vessels and may reduce blood flow to the fetus.

3. Osama Bin Laden's son wants to be an ambassador for peace between Muslims and the west, so Omar Bin Laden and his wife are planning a 3000 mile horse race across North Africa to draw attention to the cause. The 26-year-old is one of the notorious Al-Qaeda leader's nineteen children.

4. And check out the so-called "crutch bandit". This man dressed like a ninja waved and shot a pistol while holding up a New Mexico bank. The suspect got away with an undisclosed amount of cash. No one was hurt in Sunday's holdup.
