《权力的游戏》精讲 第7集:不胜即死(15)(在线收听

I have a dry red from the Arbor-nectar of the Gods. Let me give you a cask. Uh-a gift.

我有一种产自青亭岛的干红.简直是给诸神饮用的仙酿.让我给你拿一桶, 就算是礼物!

You honor me, Ser. The honor-the honor is all mine. Huh-uh, huh-uh.

你太客气了, 先生.这是我的荣幸.喂, 喂.

There are many in your homeland that pray for your return, princess. I hope to repay your kindness someday. Rakharo. Huh.

你要知道你故国的无数百姓都在祈祷公主您的归来.我希望有一天能报答你的好意.拉卡洛, 放下酒桶

Is something wrong? I have a thirst. Open it. The wine is for the Khaleesi. It's not for the likes of you.

怎么了. 我有点渴了.打开它.这酒送给卡丽熙, 不是给你这种人喝的.

Open it. Pour. It would be a crime to drink a wine this rich


Without at least giving it time to breathe. Do as he says. As the princess commands.

不让它先透透气, 简直就是滔天大罪啊.照他说的做.谨遵公主殿下吩咐.

Sweet, isn't it? Can you smell the fruit, Ser? Taste it, My Lord.

很香吧?你可闻出了葡萄的香气, 爵士?尝一尝吧, 大人.

Tell me that that is not the finest wine that has ever touched your tongue. You first.


Me? I'm afraid I am not worthy of the vintage. Besides, it is a poor wine merchant who would


Drink up his own wares. You will drink. Khaleesi! Stop him!

喝自己的酒的道理呢叫你喝你就喝.卡丽熙! 拦住他!
