《神探夏洛克》精讲 134无法破解的密码(在线收听



John Hamish Watson, just if you were looking for baby names.

约翰·哈密斯·华生 如果你们想给小孩取名字的话

There was a man, an MOD official and I knew what he liked.

有个来自国防部的男人 我对他了如指掌

One of the things he liked was showing off.


He told me this email was going to save the world.



He didn't know but I photographed it, he was a bit tied up at the time.

我在他不知情的时候拍了下来 他那时被捆着

It's a bit small on that screen, can you read it?

屏幕太小了 你看的到吗?



Code, obviously.

很明显 是密码

I had one of the country's best cryptographers take a look, though he was mostly upside down, as I recall.

我找全国最好的破译人员看过 虽然我记得他当时倒吊着

Couldn't figure it out.


What can you do, Mr Holmes?

你能做什么 福尔摩斯先生?

Go on, impress a girl.

来吧 来讨女孩的欢心

There's a margin1 for error, but I'm pretty sure there's a 747 leaving Heathrow tomorrow at 6:30.for Baltimore.

可能还有修正余地 但我确定有架747客机 明天六点半从希斯罗机场飞往巴尔的摩

Apparently it's going to save the world, I'm not sure how, but give me a moment, I've only been on the case eight seconds.

当然这会拯救世界 我也不知怎么救 给我一点时间 我才花了八秒

Oh, come on, it's not code, these are seats on a passenger jet.

得了 这不是密码 这是航班座位号

Look, no 'I' because it can be mistaken for one.

看 没有字母I是怕被误认为数字1

No letters past 'K'—the width of the plane is the limit.

没有K之后的字母 因为飞机宽度限制

The numbers always appear not in sequence, but the letters have little runs of sequence families and couples sitting together all of the place.

这些数字大多没有连号 可字母有些短的连号家人和夫妻坐在一起
