《权力的游戏》精讲 第8集:针锋相对(11)(在线收听

But if you help us, Shagga Son of Dolf, I will not give you trinkets. I will give you this.

如果你肯帮我们, 多夫之子夏嘎, 我不止会给你小零碎.我会给你这个.

What is "this"? The Vale of Arryn. The Lords of the Vale have always spat upon the hill tribes.

什么 "这个"?整个艾林谷.艾林谷的领主们一直在欺压山地部落.

The Lords of the Vale want me dead. I believe it is time for new Lords of the Vale. Ser Alliser: Now there's a rare sight


not only a bastard, but a traitor's bastard. Jon, no! Jon, stop, put it down! Blood will always tell.

不但是个野种, 还是个叛国者的野种呢.琼恩, 不要! 琼恩, 住手, 把刀放下!血统决定善恶.

You'll hang for this, bastard. I told you not to do anything stupid. You're confined to quarters. Go.

你会被吊死的, 野种.我告诉过你别做傻事.你被关禁闭了. 去吧.

Ghost, what's wrong? Is something out there? Commander?

白灵, 怎么了?外面出什么事了?总司令?
