《权力的游戏》精讲 第8集:针锋相对(19)(在线收听

Tyrion. Uncle. Father. The rumors of your demise were unfounded.

提利昂. 叔叔.父亲.看来关于你已死的传言不攻自破了.

Sorry to disappoint you. And who are these... Companions of yours?


This is Shagga Son of Dolf, Chieftain of the Stone Crows. Timett Son of Timett, ruler of the Burned Men.

这位是多夫之子夏嘎, 石鸦部的酋长.提魅之子提魅, 灼人部首领.

This fair maid is Chella daughter of Cheyk, leader of the Black Ears. And here we have Bronn son of...

这位美少女是齐克之女齐拉黑耳部的领袖.而这位是波隆, 谁人之子来着...

You wouldn't know him. May I present My Lord Father, Tywin son of Tytos of House Lannister,

你不会认识他的.可否允许我为各位介绍我的父亲大人, 兰尼斯特家族的泰陀斯之子泰温,

Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West? Kind of you to go to war for me. You left us no choice.


The honor of the House was at stake. Your brother would never have submitted to capture so meekly. We have our differences, Jaime and I.

这事关家族的荣誉.你哥哥詹姆绝不会如此轻易地束手就擒的.我们确实有所不同, 詹姆和我.

He's braver. I'm better looking. He's been covering himself in glory. Jaime smashed the River Lords at the Golden Tooth,

他更勇敢. 而我更帅气.他满身都是荣耀.詹姆在金牙城外击溃了三河诸侯,

and now lays siege to Riverrun, Catelyn Stark's homeland. And the Starks? Lord Eddard? Is our hostage. He will lead no armies from his dungeon cell.

现在正在围攻奔流城, 凯特琳史塔克的老家.史塔克家在做什么? 艾德大人?现在是我们的人质. 他在地牢里无法带兵打仗.

How did my sweet sister persuade the King to imprison his dear friend Ned? Robert Baratheon is dead. Joffrey rules in King's Landing.

我那美丽的姐姐是怎么说服国王囚禁他亲爱的朋友奈德的?劳勃拜拉席恩死了. 如今是乔佛里在君临执政.

My sister rules, you mean. Stark's son has called his banners. He moves south with a strong host. A green boy.

你的意思是说是我姐姐在执政.史塔克的儿子已经下令召集封臣.他正带着一支大军南下. 不过是个毛头小子.

One taste of battle and he'll run back to Winterfell wi his tail between his legs. Maybe.


Though the boy does have a certain belligerence. You'd like him. While we're on the subject of war,

