《权力的游戏》精讲 第10集:血火同源(13)(在线收听

The boy did not live. Tell me. What is there to tell? How did my son die? !

孩子没活成告诉我 您要我说什么我儿子是怎么死的

He never lived, my princess. The women say. What do the women say?

公主殿下 他根本就没活成那些女人说...那些女人说什么

They say the child was. Monstrous, Twisted. I pulled him out myself.

她们说那孩子是. 怪物畸形扭曲我亲自帮他接生

He was scaled like a lizard, blind, with leather wings like the wings of a bat. When I touchedhim the skin fell from his bones.

他像蜥蜴一样全身长满鳞片眼睛是瞎的 长了对蝙蝠样的小翅膀我一碰他 他的皮肉就从骨头上脱落

Inside he was full of grave worms. I warned you that only death can pay for life. You knew theprice.

里面满满的都是蛆虫我警告过你 惟有死亡方能换取生命您很清楚代价是什么

Where is Khal Drogo? Show him to me. Show me what I bought


With my son's life. As you command, lady. Come.

我用儿子的性命换来了什么如您所愿 夫人请随我来

I will take you to him. Time enough for that later. I want to see him now. The Khalasar is gone.

我带您去见他以后有的是时间 我现在就要见他卓戈的卡拉萨走了
