时差N小时 帮助孩子减肥的最佳方法(下 )(在线收听

The researchers looked at eighty 8 to 12 year old overweight or obese children and their parents. The parent child pairs participated in a parent only or a parent plus child weight treatment program for five months.


The programs focused on various techniques, including introducing more healthful foods into the home, limiting how much kids ate, exercising with the child, and parent weight loss. The study concluded that it was the latter that was most effective.


And it’s not difficult to fathom why. It’s one thing to tell your kids to eat less junk and more vegetables and be more active. But if you’re not following your own advice, why should your kids? If, though, you talk the talk and walk the walk, shedding pounds becomes less of a burden and more something that parents and kids do together.

