《关键投票》精讲 09茉莉的父亲被炒鱿鱼(在线收听

Tell me something. What do you want to be when you grow up?

莫莉 告诉我 长大以后想干什么?

I go back and forth. Either a veterinarian or chairman of the Fed.

我有点拿不定主意 兽医或者美联储主席都行

Where's Bud?


Went to take a leak half an hour ago. I heard his name over the loudspeaker.

半小时前去撒尿了 我听到喇叭在叫他的名字

What'd you have for lunch?


Egg salad. You? - Hard boiled.

鸡蛋沙拉 你呢? 白煮蛋

Hey, Bud.

你好 巴德

Just giving you a heads up.


Management wants us to cut another ten percent.


Well, you are management, Carl.

凯尔 你就是管理层

Look, you haven't punched in on time in six months.

听着 这六个月你都没按时打卡上班

So, I'm five minutes late every once in a while. What is the big whoop?

没错 我偶尔会迟到那么五分钟 那又能怎样

You took thirty-one sick days this year, Bud.

你今年请31天病假 巴德

Well, I gotta kid, Carl. She brings it home from school.

凯尔 我有孩子 她会在学校染病回家
