时差N小时 动物也会患关节炎?(上)(在线收听

Did You Know That Moose Can Have Arthritis?


It’s easy to tell, even at a glance, that people and moose are pretty different. Moose, at least males, have big, wing shaped antlers. People have no antlers. Moose are herbivores, eating only plants.


We eat mostly junk food. Despite their salad only diet, moose can weigh as much as 1400 pounds. Even the fattest humans top the scales at only around 1000 pounds. The list goes on.


And yet, in some ways, people and moose are similar. For example, both suffer from arthritis.


And that’s interesting because how and why moose develop arthritis may be able to tell us something about the pathology of the human variety.


For example, researchers working in Michigan’s upper peninsula have been studying moose there for decades. And one thing they’ve found is while arthritis in moose is partly genetic, it’s also triggered by the environment.

