《马达加斯加》精讲 05回归大自然(在线收听

Happy birthday to you!


You live in a zoo.


You look like a monkey.


And you smell like one too.


I say


Well done, you guys are just embarrassing me! And yourself!

不错 你们真让我难堪 还有你们自己

What are you talking about? We've worked on that whole week.

你在说什么? 我们准备了一个星期

Let's go, let's make a wish baby cakes.

快点 许个愿吧

Come on, what did you wish for? No, can't tell you that.

快点 你许了什么愿? 不能告诉你

Come on, tell! No sirrey, I'm telling you!

快点说啦 没戏 我告诉了你们就会被诅咒的

It is bad luck! You want some bad luck?

你们想走霉运? 那我就说

I'll blow it out, but if you wanna be safe

但如果你们想没事的话 我就什么都不说

Ah, Marty would you just tell us?

马蒂 你能告诉我们吗?

I mean really, what could happen? Okay.

我说了又会怎样? 好吧

I wished I could go to the wild! The wild!

我希望我能去野外 野外

I told you it was bad luck!

我告诉过你们 说了会走霉运的

The wild? Are you nuts? That is the worst idea I've ever heard.

野外? 没搞错吧? 这是我听过的最糟的主意

Sounds amatory. The penguins are going, so why can't I?

这样很不卫生 企鹅能去 为什么我不能?

The penguins are psychotic.


Come on, just imagine going back to nature.


Back to your roots, clean air, wide open spaces!

回到老家 清新的空气 广阔的天地

Well, I hear they have wide open spaces in Connecticut.

