《马达加斯加》精讲 07给他们颜色瞧瞧(在线收听

Shut up! Shut up! I am sleeping here!

闭嘴闭嘴 我在睡觉

We're not all that turtle you know!


I'm not give turtle right off, pal!

我也没给你特权 朋友

See? Mr. Grumpy Stripes.

看见了? 坏脾气的斑马先生

We make a great team. Two of us. We sure do. No doubt about it!

我们是一个伟大的团队 我们俩 当然 毋庸置疑

What are you gonna do? Just going running off to the wild by yourself?

那你还想干什么? 独自跑到野外去?

No. Good.

不 太好了

You and me! Let's go. What?

你和我 我们一起 什么?

The wild! Come on, you and me together!

野外 你和我一起

It's a straight shot down Fifth avenue to Grand Central.


We'll grab a train, we'll head north!

我们爬上一列火车 一直向北

We'll be back by morning,no one will ever know! You're joking,right?

我们早上就能回来 没人会知道 你说笑的吧?

Yeah! I'm joking, of course I'm joking! Give me a break!

对 我说笑的 当然是开玩笑 让我休息一会

How do you think we're gonna get a train?


Don't do that, you really had me worried there.

以后别再那样了 你刚才弄得我很担心

Well, I guess I'll hit the sack.


Yeah, me too. I'll need the rest of my voice for tomorrow.

对 我也是 为了明天 得好好休息嗓子

It's seniours day, you know. I have to roar extra loud.

明天带孩子来 我得叫得更大声些

Give them a little jaw! You know what I'm talking about?

给他们点颜色看看 你知道我在说什么吧

Good night, Alex.

晚安 亚里克斯
