《马达加斯加》精讲 13他们是外星人(在线收听

Spider! Spider on my back!

蜘蛛 我背上有蜘蛛

Maurice, did you see that? He scared the Foosa away.

莫里斯 你看到了吗 他把伏狼吓跑了

Get it! Get it! Get it!

打他 打他 打他

Where did he go?


Where did he go?


King Julian, what are they? What are they!

朱利安国王陛下 他们是什么东西?

They are aliens. Savage aliens from the savage future.

他们是外星人 从蛮地来的蛮人

They've come to kill us! And take our women!

他们来屠杀我们 掠走我们的妇女

And our precious meadows!


Get up, Mort. Do not be near the King's feet, okay?

起来 小姑娘 别靠近国王的脚 明白吗

Shh! We're hiding. Be quiet everyone. Including me.

我们在躲难 所有人都要保持安静

Shh! Who's making that noise? Oh, it's me again.

谁发出声音了? 哦 又是我

Come on boys! Stop it! Enough!

够了 别再用棍子打了

I think you got it. I think she got it.

我想你打着了 我想她打着了

Is it still on me? I hate spiders. That's okay, he's gone.

他还在我身上吗 我讨厌蜘蛛 没事了没了

They are savages! Tonight we die.

他们是野人 我们活不过今晚了

The feet! I told you! Didn't I tell you about the feet?

我的脚 我告诉过你 离我的脚远点

He did tell you about the feet.

