《马达加斯加》精讲 14凶残的杀手(在线收听

Wait. I have a plan! Really?

等等 我有个计划 真的?

I have devised a gunning test.


To see whether these are savage killers.



Hi there! You let me handle it.

你好 让我来处理

Alex handles it. Marty does nothing.

亚里克斯处理事情 马蒂什么也别管

Hi there!


Oh, sorry. No, no! Oh Alex, what did you do?

天啊 对不起 亚里克斯 你都干了些什么

Stop, stop. It's okay.

别哭 别哭 没事的

It's okay. I'm just a silly, just a silly lion.

我只是头笨笨的 笨笨的狮子

Oh, you poor little baby, did that big mean lion scare you?

可怜的小家伙 是不是这讨厌的大狮子吓到你了

He did? He's a big bad old puddy tad, isn't he?

吓着你了么 他是个大大的坏小孩 对吧

Come on, mama hold you.

过来 妈妈抱抱

They are so cute from a reasonable position.


You're sweetest little thing, I just wanna dump him in my coffee.

你真是个小可爱 真想把它加进我的咖啡里

They are just a bunch of pansies. I don't know,there's still something

他们只是一群小白脸吧 我不知道

about that one with the crazy hairdo that I find suspicious.

我觉得那个梳着爆炸头的 还是有点啥的

Nonsense, Maurice! Come on everybody! Let's go and meet the pansies!

胡说 莫里斯 来吧 我们去见见小白脸们
