《马达加斯加》精讲 21天才计划(在线收听

It's a good book!


Please, please. Maurice. Shh! Quiet!

请 请 莫里斯 嘘 安静

Come on yo, they ain't attacking us this very instant.

你们别这样 现在他们不会攻击我们的

So my genious plan is this.


We will make the New York Giants our friends. And keep them close.

我们要和纽约巨人做朋友 和他们保持亲近

Then with Mr. Alex protecting us, we will be safe

有了亚里克斯先生保护我们 我们就安全了

and never have to worry about the dreaded Foosa! Ever again!

我们就永远不必担心可恶的伏狼了 永不

I thought of that! I thought of that! Yes! Me!

我想到的 我想到的 是我想到的

Hold on, hold on everybody. I'm just thinking now.

等等 大家等等 我刚刚在想

I mean does anyone wonder why the Foosa was so scared of Mr. Alex?

大家觉得为什么伏狼 这么害怕亚里克斯先生呢

I mean maybe we should be scared too.


What if Mr. Alex is even worse than the Foosa?


I'm telling you that dude just gives me the hibichivis.

我告诉你们 那家伙让我害怕

Maurice, you did not raise your hand.

莫里斯 你没有举手

Therefore your speech coming will be taken from the record.


Does anyone else have the hibigibis?


No! Good. So shut up!

没有 好的 那别说话了

When the New York Giants wake up,


we will make sure that they wake up in paradise.


Now who'd like a cookie?

