《马达加斯加》精讲 24拦船救命(在线收听

What have I done? This is a nightmare!

我都做了些什么啊? 这真是个恶梦

It's all my fault.


Now because of me we've lost Alex. What are we gonna do?

因为我才失去了亚里克斯 我们能做些什么呢

We're gonnafind the wayto help him, that's what we're gonna do.

我们能想办法帮他 这就是我们要做的

Come on, we are New Yorkers, right?

好吧 振作起来 我们是纽约人 对吗?

We're tough. We're greedy. We're adoptable!

我们顽强不屈 我们无所不能

And we are not going tolay downlike a bunch of Melman!


No, we're not. Oh, Gloria!

不 我们绝不 格洛瑞尔

That was not me, okay? That was the boat. The boat!

那不是我 知道吗? 是船的声音

The boat? The boat's come back for us!

船? 船回来接我们了

Come on guys, we're gonna flag it down!

快 伙计们 快去给他们发信号

Here it is! Over here!

在那儿 这边

Come on, give me a lift! Come on, lift me up, lift me up!

把我顶起来 快 把我顶起来

Help! Help! Help! Over here!

救命啊 救命啊 这边

My head. My head. Guys.

我的脖子 你们这些家伙

Over here! Over here!

这边 这边

You have no idea how much this hurts.


Look! It's turning! It's coming back!

快看 它在调头 它开回来了

Yes, this way! Come on, baby!

过来 快过来 真棒 伙计

You guys flag down that boat, I'll go get Alex!

你们把船拦下来 我去叫亚里克斯

Hold on then. You cannot go back there by yourself.

别去 你一个人去了就回不来了

Come on, I know Alex.

别这么说 我了解亚里克斯

When he hears we're rescued, he'll snap right out of it!

他知道我们得救了 就会振作起来了

The people are coming, they can help us.

人们马上就要来了 他们可以帮我们

Melman's right. The people will know what to do.

梅尔曼说得对 人类知道应该怎么做

Now come on, we gotta flag down that boat.

