《马达加斯加2》精讲 01做领头狮子(在线收听

No, no son. Over here.

不 不 孩子 在这里

See the lion, look at the lion, you get the lion.

看见狮子了吗 看看这只狮子 来抓狮子呀

Now son, if you are going to grow up and be like your daddy someday

孩子 听着 你将来会长大 某天会长成像你爸爸一样

you got to learn how to fight.


Alakay, let me show you something, OK?

好了 艾力提 我给你看样东西 好吗

You see this mark?


You and me are the same and when you're bigger,


you are gonna be alpha lion just like your daddy.

你长大后 也会是领头狮子 就像你爸爸一样

Now, let me see you fight. Ready?

现在 让我看看你怎么搏斗 准备好了吗

No Alakay, no dancing.

不 艾力提 别跳舞

You just amuse yourself, don't you?

你就是自得其乐 是吧

You are a strange kid. You are a strange man.

你真是个怪孩子 怪孩子

Oh come on, let's try it again.

来吧 再试一次


哦 艾力提

Stop...stop it,stop it rigth now,don't going...

别跳舞 停

It's so disappointing when they don't grow up the way you want it to.

他们不像你期待的那样长大 真的很令人失望啊

Oh come on. You are not challenging me again, are you?

哦 拜托 你不会又来找我挑战吧

Look on the bright side Zuba. After I defeat you and take over as alpha lion,

看看好的那一面嘛 在我把你打败了 代替你做领头狮子之后

you will have so much more time to spend with your pathetic excuse of a son.

你就有更多的时间 来陪你的白痴儿子啦

Before I kick your butt, let me ask you,

在我把你打得落花流水之前 让我问问你

why do you even want to become the alpha lion?


I am better looking, I have better hair, I am deceivingly smart and...

我长得比较帅 发型比较酷 我看起来也比较聪明

I want everyone else to do what I say.

还有 我想让大家都听我的

We'll fight on three. One...

数到三就开始 一

Pay attention Alakay.

来 艾力提 好好看着

Daddy gonna show you how it's done.


Two, three.

二 三!
