《马达加斯加2》精讲 23我不是称职的朋友(在线收听

Marty? I know you're there!

马蒂 我知道你在这儿

Before I go,I've got something want to say.

在走之前 我有话对你说

You've been a great friend.


You help me so often to see the bright side of my problems.


And I never think of you having things.


I wasn't there for you when you needs me.

你需要我时 我却不在你身边

Just like that zoo.


What kind of a friend does that make me? Pretty lousy friend I guess.

我还算什么朋友? 很糟糕吧

Well I just want you to know that...you're one in a million.

我只想告诉你 你是百万里挑一的

Isn't this touching? This is touching.

讲得真好 太让人感动了

So could you please turn around so I can tell you that to your face?

拜托你转过身来 我想当面对你说

That's right. Got you. I see you in there.

没错 找到你了 我看见了

Yeah yeah you. That's right you, right there.

对 就是你

Twelfth row, two hundred and third from the left.

第12排 左手边第203个

I see you Marty. I know it's you.

马蒂 找到了 我知道那是你

You know what makes you special?


These guys...They're white with black stripes.


You're black with white stripes.


You're a dreamer Marty. Always have been.

你是个梦想家 一直都是

You have a great taste in music and...


horrible taste in friends.


Not Melman and Gloria, me.

格洛丽娅 梅尔曼不算 就是我而已

OK. I'm in.

好 算我一个

No Marty. You can't come with me.

不行 马蒂 你不能去

I don't believe you have a choice.

