《马达加斯加2》精讲 27想吃烤狮子(在线收听

Where are you headed? What's going on? Where are we going?

我们要去哪里? 发生了什么事?

Oh no, please. You are not gonna burn me there.

哦 不 不要把我放到火上

No, no, no. This's wrong.

不 别这样

You see? You are survivals.

看 你们都是幸存者

Now, how about a nice lion casserole?

现在 想不想吃烤狮子?

We can't eat a lion.


Don't worry, taste like chicken.

别担心 吃起来像是鸡肉 快来

No, no, no, no. Don't listen to her.

不 别听她瞎说

She is out of her mind. People.

她神智不清醒 同志们

I'm from New York City too.


It's me, Alex the lion. From Central Park.

是我呀 中央公园的狮子艾力克斯



What were you thinking son? You got no matter be not here.

你想什么呢 你根本无能力存活

This's it, I want you to stay behind.

好了 你躲到我身后

Look dad, they're New Yorkers, they are just...ruined and frightened people.

不 爸爸 他们是纽约人 都是胆小怕事的人

Stay back.


Are you gonna let them get away?

