2021年经济学人 飙升的能源成本如何阻碍经济复苏(2)(在线收听

James Hamilton of the University of California, San Diego, studies historical oil shocks and finds that a 20% rise in the real price of energy is associated with a 15-point drop in an index of consumer confidence.


(A gauge of American sentiment collected by the University of Michigan has fallen by nearly 17 points since April 2021.)


An energy-induced slump could be mitigated if consumers meet higher bills by drawing on savings.


By the end of 2020, households across large rich economies had accumulated “excess”, or above-normal, savings equivalent to more than 6% of GDP.


Nonetheless, analysts at Goldman reckon that costly energy will reduce the growth rate of consumption in America by 0.4 percentage points this year, and by 0.5 points in 2022.


Those inclined to see the petrol tank as half full may note that slower consumption growth could help ease strains on supply chains, which have been stressed by especially strong demand for durable goods.


Those who grumble that it is half empty may worry that power cuts in places like China could result in still more shortages.


Crucially, the toll of the shock will depend on how central banks respond.


Fuel prices tend to feed through to households’ expectations of inflation.


That will be unwelcome news for central bankers, who are already worrying about high inflation.


Research by Mr Kilian and Xiaoqing Zhou, also of the Dallas Fed, suggests that energy prices mainly influence short-term expectations, rather than those further out.


Those expectations could adjust just as quickly when energy prices fall.


Some central banks, such as the Bank of England, may nevertheless worry that the energy shock worsens the risk that inflation expectations become unmoored from their targets.


But the dilemma is that, if they overreact, they depress consumption further and induce deflationary pressure, just as energy prices return to earth.


The longer prices stay high, the more their effects evolve.


Households and firms will become better able to reduce their exposure to energy.


Indeed, work by John Hassler, Per Krusell and Conny Olovsson of the Institute for International Economic Studies in Stockholm suggests that costly energy affects the nature of innovation.


Firms direct inventive efforts so as to economise on scarce inputs.


When energy is abundant, they focus on capital- or labour-saving innovation.


When energy is scarce, by contrast, firms do more to improve the energy-efficiency of production, and innovation suffers—as it did in the 1970s.


The extent to which history repeats, however, also depends on what governments do.


They could shield customers from higher energy prices, which would be politically popular but delay the moment of transition from dirty fuels.


Or they could encourage more investment in renewable-power capacity, so that energy constraints bind less.


Such bold action could end the threat posed by expensive coal, gas and oil, once and for all.

