绿玉皇冠案 15宝石不见了(2)(在线收听

"'You blackguard!' I shouted, beside myself with rage.


'You have destroyed it! You have dishonoured me forever! Where are the jewels which you have stolen?'


'Stolen!' he cried.


'Yes, thief!' I roared, shaking him by the shoulder.


'There are none missing. There cannot be any missing,' said he.


'There are three missing. And you know where they are.


Must I call you a liar as well as a thief? Did I not see you trying to tear off another piece?'


'You have called me names enough,' said he; 'I will not stand it any longer.


I shall not say another word about this business, since you have chosen to insult me.


I will leave your house in the morning and make my own way in the world.'


'You shall leave it in the hands of the police!' I cried, half-mad with grief and rage.


'I shall have this matter probed to the bottom.'


'You shall learn nothing from me,' said he with a passion such as I should not have thought was in his nature.


'If you choose to call the police, let the police find what they can.'

