绿玉皇冠案 32失而复得(3)(在线收听

"There is one other thing you owe, Mr. Holder," said Sherlock Holmes rather sternly.


"Owe!" He caught up a pen. "Name the sum, and I will pay it."


"No, the debt is not to me.


You owe a very humble apology to that noble lad, your son,


who has carried himself in this matter as I should be proud to see my own son do, should I ever chance to have one."


"Then it was not Arthur who took them?"


"I told you yesterday, and I repeat today, that it was not."


"You are sure of it! Then let us hurry to him at once to let him know that the truth is known."


"He knows it already. When I had cleared it all up I had an interview with him, and finding that he would not tell me the story,


I told it to him, on which he had to confess that I was right and to add the very few details which were not yet quite clear to me.


Your news of this morning, however, may open his lips."


"For heaven's sake, tell me, then, what is this extraordinary mystery!"

