美国国家公共电台 NPR 网球明星德约科维奇的签证再次被取消(在线收听

Now to tennis. Australia's immigration minister has revoked tennis star Novak Djokovic's visa again.


Yeah. If you're like me, you're thinking, didn't that already happen?

是的。 如果你和我一样,你会想,这不是已经发生了吗?

And you would be right. Because days ago, Australian border officials revoked his visa when he arrived to play at the Australian Open.


Djokovic is not vaccinated for coronavirus, which Australia requires travelers to be.


Then a judge overruled the Australian border officials and let Djokovic stay.


Now, another official has re-revoked the visa, and the player faces possible deportation.


You got all that? OK. So for more, we are joined by journalist Elizabeth Kulas.

都记下来了吗? 好的。为了了解更多,我们请来了记者伊丽莎白·库拉斯。

She's on the line from Melbourne. She's been covering it all.


Elizabeth, start off by telling us what the immigration minister said about his decision to revoke the visa.


Yeah, this decision came in around 6 p.m. this evening.


I think almost everybody in Australia thought it wasn't going to happen during this work week, and they dropped it just after 6 p.m.


And in a statement, the minister said he was cancelling the visa on health and good order grounds and on the basis that it was in the public interest.


He said he'd taken on board all kinds of information that had been provided to him by the Department of Home Affairs, Border Force, who had initially detained Djokovic and Djokovic and his team as well.


And this likely relates to the fact that in the last few days, it's surfaced that Djokovic's original visa application made to enter the country contained some false information, specifically a claim that he hadn't travelled internationally in the last two weeks leading up to his arrival into Australia.


Social media posts showed that he'd been in Spain.


So we've got the Australian Open starting Monday.


Is Djokovic going to play?


At this point, no. But as we speak, a directions hearing is taking place right now.


It's just after 9 p.m. on a Friday night, but that's happening as we speak.


We're not likely to get a resolution on this tonight but probably get some very clear indications of next steps.


In the days leading up to today's announcement, Djokovic's team had said he would fight it if the minister had stepped in.


So it looks like it will continue as a legal situation over the weekend.


But in the meantime, Djokovic has been asked to present for an interview with immigration officials tomorrow.


Oh, my gosh, high drama. So Australia has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world, right?

天啊,太戏剧化了。 澳大利亚是世界上疫苗接种率最高的国家之一,对吧?

Ninety-two percent of people over the age of 16 are fully vaccinated.


How are people there talking about this case?


It's quite hard to get a public reading on this.


I think it's - the prime minister put out a statement this afternoon saying Australians had made sacrifices during the pandemic and that they could rightly expect that the result of that would be that those sacrifices were protected.


I think there is a segment of the population that's following that line.


I think there's also a large group of people who think, let's put this to the side for now and play on.


So it is hard to tell, but Djokovic will, it looks like, appeal the decision and see if he can either get a bridging visa and remain to play on Monday.

