慢速英语短文听力 基蒂去哪了?(在线收听

Where’s Kitty?


Kathy said, “Here, Kitty, Kitty!” But Kitty didn’t come. Where was Kitty? Kitty always came home for dinner. Kathy said it again. “Here, Kitty, Kitty!” But Kitty didn’t come. Kathy stayed up late. She waited for Kitty to come in. Kitty always came in through the pet door. Kathy finally fell asleep. She woke up the next morning. “Here, Kitty, Kitty!” she said. But Kitty was not home. Where could Kitty be, Kathy thought. Where could Kitty be? Kathy called the police. A policeman answered the phone. “My cat didn’t come home last night,” Kathy said. “I’m sorry to hear that,” said the policeman. “What is your cat’s name?” Kathy said her cat’s name was Kitty. “That’s a nice name,” said the policeman. “What color is Kitty?” Kathy said that Kitty was black. “Okay, don’t worry,” said the policeman. “We’ll find Kitty. Someone probably ran over her.”

