CGTN头条新闻2022 美国新冠累计病例超六千万(在线收听

U.S. COVID-19 cases surpass 60 million: Johns Hopkins University

Chinese mainland reports 97 COVID-19 cases

The Chinese mainland reported 97 new, locally transmitted COVID-19 cases on Sunday.

Of the new local cases, 60 cases were reported in Henan, 21 in Tianjin and 15 in Shaanxi.

Residents in city near Chinese capital told not to leave amid COVID-19 resurgence

The gene sequencing conducted in Tianjin has found the first two cases there were infected with the VOC/Omicron variant.

The authorities have activated emergency response for market supply.

Local residents are asked not to leave the city unless necessary.

Commuters between Tianjin and the nearby Chinese capital Beijing are being advised to work at home.

Life gradually returns to normal in Xi'an

The City of Xi'an in Shaanxi Province has taken measures to ensure enough basic life supplies for local residents amid the pandemic.

Local authorities have also set up green channels for those needing urgent medical treatment.

U.S. COVID-19 cases surpass 60 million: Johns Hopkins University

The total number of COVID-19 cases in the United States has topped 60 million.

That's according to the latest data from Johns Hopkins University.

The U.S. remains the nation worst hit by the pandemic, making up about 20 percent of the global caseload and more than 15 percent of the global deaths.

At least 19 people killed in New York City fire

At least 19 people, including nine children, have lost their lives in a major fire in New York City.

The fire broke out in a residential apartment high-rise building in the Bronx on Sunday.

Situation in Kazakhstan stabilized: presidential office

The presidential office of Kazakhstan says the situation in the country has been stabilized, with utilities and life support systems being restored.

It comes as violent protests sparked by fuel price hikes have been rocking Kazakhstan for several days.

Health authorities say at least 160 people were killed in the unrest, including over 100 in Almaty.

President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev says over 120 criminal cases have been initiated and around 5,800 people have been brought to the police.

The president also says a large number of foreign nationals are among the arrested.

Meanwhile, the country's national bank has suspended currency exchange services.

China, Sri Lanka promise to boost ties, carrying forward spirit of Rubber-Rice Pact

China and Sri Lanka have agreed to further develop bilateral relations, carrying forward the spirit of the Rubber-Rice Pact.

The consensus has been made during meetings between Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Sri Lankan leaders.

The Rubber-Rice Pact was signed in 1952 when China needed to import rubber and other supplies and Sri Lanka was facing rising price of rice and slump of rubber price.

Taiwan's exports to mainland, HK hit new high in 2021

Taiwan's exports to the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong have hit a record high.

That's according to the latest data from the island's finance authority.

The figure is a quarter of a percent higher than 2020 and accounts for over 40 percent of Taiwan's total exports last year.

Russia rejects 'concessions' ahead of U.S. security meeting

A senior Russian diplomat says the country will not give in to U.S. pressure at the strategic stability talks later today.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov says Moscow's main goal in Geneva is to discuss the non-expansion of NATO and the non-deployment of offensive weapons near Russia's borders.

"Spider-Man: No Way Home" tops North American box office for 4th straight weekend

The latest installment of the Spider-Man franchise has stayed atop the North American box office for the fourth weekend in a row.

The film now ranks as the sixth highest grossing film of all-time in North America.
