CGTN头条新闻2022 习近平在全球危机中呼吁国际团结、合作(在线收听

Xi calls for int'l solidarity, cooperation amid global crisis

Xi calls for int'l solidarity, cooperation amid global crisis

Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for solidarity and cooperation of the international community amid a global crisis.

He made the remarks in a special address at the 2022 World Economic Forum virtual session.

He has called on the world to do everything necessary to clear the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Thanks to the concerted efforts of the international community, major progress has been made in the global fight against the pandemic. That said, the pandemic is proving a protracted one, resurging with more variants and spreading faster than before. It poses a serious threat to people's safety and health, and exerts a profound impact on the global economy. Strong confidence and cooperation represent the only right way to defeat the pandemic.”

The Chinese President adds that economic globalization is the trend of the times and countries around the world should uphold true multilateralism.

World leaders to reflect on "State of the World" during Davos Agenda 2022: WEF

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab says the Davos Agenda kicking off today will provide an opportunity for world leaders to shape solutions for critical challenges in the year ahead.

“I see several priorities for the global agenda. We must continue to fight against the global pandemic. We must revitalize the global economy and accelerate its transition to net-zero. We must preserve biodiversity by deploying nature-based solutions. And we must narrow the gap between the rich and the poor to achieve more sustainable global development.”

The virtual Davos 2022 runs from Monday to Friday.

China's GDP tops 114.36 trillion yuan in 2021

Official data shows that China's gross domestic product exceeded 114 trillion yuan last year, roughly 18 trillion U.S. dollars.

That represents an increase of over 8 percent year on year.

Meanwhile, per capita disposable income stood at over 35,000 yuan, up over 9 percent.

Red Cross Society of China provides emergency aid to Tonga

The Red Cross Society of China has decided to provide 100,000 U.S. dollars in emergency aid to Tonga to help the country deal with the aftermath of the destruction caused by the undersea volcano eruption.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian says China is ready to provide more humanitarian assistance based on the needs of Tonga.

The eruption and its ensuing tsunami are believed to have displaced people, severed communications and suspended flights, though there have been no immediate reports of injuries or damage, as the country's internet access to the outside world has been disrupted.

Fijian people recall moment of eruption

Countries near Tonga have reported rising water levels after the volcanic eruption over the weekend.

Residents in Fiji say the eruption made a thunderous noise.

3 killed, 6 injured in oil tanker explosion in Abu Dhabi

Police in Abu Dhabi say the explosion of three oil tankers caused by a fire on Monday morning has killed three people and injured six others.

Yemen's Houthi rebels have claimed responsibility for a military operation that struck areas inside the United Arab Emirates on Monday.

Initial investigations also show the fires and explosions were possibly caused by drones in the area.
