CGTN头条新闻2022 日本新冠病例单日新增超3万创新高(在线收听

Japan hits new record of over 30,000 daily COVID-19 cases

Xi stresses full, strict Party governance, vows zero tolerance on corruption

General Secretary Xi Jinping of the Communist Party of China Central Committee has stressed rigorous and unswerving efforts in further promoting full and strict Party governance.

Xi Jinping, also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, also vowed to maintain a zero-tolerance stance on corruption while addressing the sixth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

China's central bank to strengthen support for real economy in 2022

China's central bank says it will guide financial institutions to ramp up support for the real economy.

The People's Bank of China says it will implement market-based policy tools to support small and micro companies.

Efforts will also be made to lower overall financing costs for enterprises.

The central bank reiterated that the yuan exchange rate should be kept basically stable at an appropriate and balanced level.

China's power use surges 10.3 pct in 2021

China's electricity consumption went up 10.3 percent in 2021.

Total power use in China reached over 8.3 trillion kilowatt-hours last year.

The figure represents 14.7 percent growth from 2019.

Residential power consumption saw a 7.3-percent increase.

The country's gross domestic product expanded 8.1 percent last year.

China to deliver disaster-relief supplies to tsunami-hit Tonga

China will deliver a batch of disaster-relief supplies to Tonga to assist the country's recovery from the recent undersea volcanic eruption and tsunami.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry says the essential supplies, including drinking water and food, will arrive in Tonga as soon as possible, pending the country's airport conditions.

2 people die in Tonga's violent volcanic eruption, tsunami

At least two people have died in Tonga after the volcanic eruptions on the weekend.

Authorities say with communications in Tonga cut off, the true extent of casualties in the island nation is not clear.

China's Tianjin reports 18 new local COVID-19 cases

The city of Tianjin reported 18 locally transmitted COVID-19 cases on Monday.

Among the new infections, 10 are mild cases while the other eight are moderate.

As of Monday, health authorities had detected 312 locally transmitted cases and 22 asymptomatic cases in the latest resurgence.

Beijing reports two local COVID-19 cases, one person testing positive

Beijing has reported two more locally transmitted COVID-19 cases.

The new patients are close contacts of a previous case reported on Saturday. They were found in the city's Haidian District.

Another person testing positive for COVID-19 was detected in Chaoyang District. The sample collected showed evidence of the Delta variant.

Japan hits new record of over 30,000 daily COVID-19 cases

Japan reported more than 32,000 daily COVID-19 cases across the country on Tuesday, logging a new all-time high.

The Tokyo metropolitan government confirmed 5,185 new infections, the first time topping 5,000 in nearly five months.

The government is considering declaring a quasi-state of emergency for Tokyo and three nearby prefectures.

Officials said on Monday that new infections are spreading at an "unprecedented rate."

Australia sees deadliest day amid new wave of COVID-19 spread

Australia recorded its highest ever number of COVID-19 deaths on Tuesday.

The 74 deaths occurred in Australia's three most populous states. New South Wales reported 36, Victoria reported 22 and Queensland 16.

Amid rising hospitalizations, Victoria declared an emergency for hospitals.

James Merlino is the Victoria State Acting Health Minister:

"Today, we're making a significant announcement about Code Brown activation across our health services. We've been saying now for some time that our hospital system is under extreme pressure and the risks we're now seeing in COVID hospitalizations are testament to that."

He says more than 4,000 health care workers in the state are absent because they are either infected or close contacts.
