
Damage: the silent forms of violence against women


It is a truism to say that everyone knows violence when they see it, but if one thing has become clear in the past decade, it is that the most prevalent, insidious forms of violence are those that cannot be seen.


Consider, for example, a photograph from January 2017. A group of identical-looking white men in dark suits looked on


as their president signed an executive order banning US state funding to groups anywhere in the world offering abortion or abortion counselling.


The passing of the "global gag rule" effectively launched the Trump presidency. (It was scrapped by Joe Biden soon after his inauguaration a few weeks ago.)


The ruling meant an increase in deaths by illegal abortion for thousands of women throughout the developing world. Its effects have been as cruel as they are precise.


No non-governmental organisation (NGO) in receipt of US funds could henceforth accept non-US support, or lobby governments across the world, on behalf of the right to abortion.


A run of abortion bans followed in conservative Republican-held US states.


In November 2019, Ohio introduced to the state legislature a bill which included the requirement that in cases of ectopic pregnancy,


doctors must reimplant the embryo into the woman's uterus or face a charge of "abortion murder". (Ectopic pregnancy can be fatal to the mother and no such procedure exists in medical science.)


At a talk in London in June 2019, Kate Gilmore, the UN deputy commissioner for human rights, described US policy on abortion as a form of extremist hate that amounts to the torture of women.


"We have not called it out in the same way we have other forms of extremist hate," she stated, "but this is gender-based violence against women, no question."


The resurgence of hate-fuelled populism has become commonplace in the 21st century.


But it is perhaps less common to hear extremist hate, notably against women, being named so openly as the driver of the supreme legal machinery of the west.

