速成英语口语第六册 Lesson 24 That's Not Terribly PC(在线收听

Lesson 24 That's Not Terribly PC

Molly: Hmm, what's that story about that you're reading? That guy wearing the do-rag looks kind of familiar.

Alfred: That's because he's the owner of that mega men's clothing store around the corner. Haven't you seen his face plastered all over the billboards around here lately?

Molly: You mean the ones that sick out like a sore thumb with their tacky slogans? I guess something he's doing is working, though -- heard he's making a pretty penny.

Alfred: Sure is. He's from the wrong side of the tracks, and people from that part of town are pretty much treated like secong-class citizens. His neighborhood rallied to raise funds.

Molly: It just surprises me, and I know it's not terribly PC(politically correct), but I wish he'd invaded another neighborhood. That store's an eyesore compared to the upscale shops.

Alfred: So what exactly have you got against this guy, anway?

Molly: I just don't want to see his area start to go downhill. You know the kind of people that place is going to attract.
