
《Sleep Through The Static》就是这样一张温情的唱片,一张更加内敛和低调的喃喃自语。

Jack Johnson -  Enemy

After we spoke I had a dream that I broke
The teeth from a mouth of a snake
That I choked on the teeth
They were mine all along

I picked up the pieces when I woke
Put them in a boat made
of things that I don't
want to see
I blew on the sail
Watched it drift out to sea
The further it drifted the
closer it came to me
I can't explain

So I took it apart in a billion boxes
There was only one thing
You might think I'm your enemy
But that don't make you mine
And all I have now is above thee
I wish that you'd stop trying
Oh, please stop lying
Stop la la la la la la la
La la la la la...
The hatred in the box then I locked
The strongest one I knew
I buried it all, grew a tree without thorns
Sat beneath the shade
You might think I'm your enemy
But that don't make you mine
And all I have now is above thee
I wish that you'd stop trying
Oh please stop lying
Please stop la la la la la la
La la la la la...
La la la la la...


《Sleep Through The Static》带给我们的,尽管没有任何的惊喜,但依然保持了Jack Johnson一向简约而不简单的曲风——清新自然、温暖而微妙的快乐,附带小小的忧愁,怡然自得。不像Damien Rice的“洗尽铅华,纯净无比”,也没有Glen Hansard的“简单而沉寂的忧郁”。比起这些,这张《Sleep Through The Static》,更像一个固执的中年大叔,在明媚的午后,在沙滩上自娱自乐的弹着吉他,一切音色都徜徉在中间地带。

虽说,这是“三年的等待”,但其实早在去年年底,Jack Johnson就已发表了《If I Had Eyes》的EP,给死忠们一个继续等待希望。而新发布的这张专辑,则更具有专辑的整体性。

从第一首从All At Once的渐入到预热,熟悉的Jack Johnson又再重现。接着是第二首Sleep Through the Static,这首很具有Jack Johnson典型色彩的曲子。结尾处的切弦很出彩,氛围一下子提了起来,慵懒的阳光再次显现。第三首的Hope,则是全专辑比较出彩的。简单的小快乐,一架钢琴叮叮当当的讲完一个奇奇怪怪的笑话和小故事,清心寡欲而怡然自得。接着的Angel,则是淡淡的木吉他小歌,很有小品效果,把整张专辑的情绪放缓。直到If I Had Eyes的简单上扬。而Same Girl 和 What You Thought You Needed,则是一双对比的小跳跃,情绪的起伏在安静和小小的喧闹之间的转换。

是的,《Sleep Through The Static》就是这样一张温情的唱片,一张更加内敛和低调的喃喃自语。加入了诙谐的蓝调,甚至连Jack Johnson自己编配的和声也更处于一个上升的状态,我想这大概就是所谓的改变罢。

总的来讲,Jack Johnson还是保持在那个状态——每首歌都有着自己的味道,依然是淡定的切分,慵懒的小情绪但总是让人保持开朗——尽管这些都是同一个调调。
