音乐咖啡厅:Let's start from here你美丽我迷失(在线收听

Joanna Wang - let's start from here

Giving up, why should I
we've come to far to forget
we're beautiful, we just got lost
somewhere along the way
so much was missing when you went away
Let's start from here, lose the past
change our minds, we don't need a finish line
let's take this chance not think too deepof all those promises we couldn't seem to keep
I don't care where we goLet's start from here
standing here face to face
a finger on your lips
don't say a word don't make a sound
silence surrounds us now
even when you were gone I felt you everywhere
Let's start from here, lose the past
change our minds, we don't need a finish line
let's take this chance not think too deep
of all those promises we couldn't seem to keep
I don't care where we go
Let's start from here
Let's start from here
I've never been the one to open up
but you've always been the voive within
the only warmth from my cold heart
Let's start from here, lose the past
change our minds, we don't need a finish line
let's take this chance not think too deep
of all those promises
Let's start from here, lose the past
change our minds
we don't need a finish line
let's take this chance not think too deep
of all those promises we couldn't seem to keep
I don't care where we go
Let's start from here

  西洋的诺拉琼斯 日本的小野丽莎 台湾的Joanna 陶喆 朱卫茵 林暐哲 张悬 联名推荐的好声音

  首张个人专辑 start from here 17首好歌.双CD.单片价 2008.01.11 全面问市 Joanna 的才能是上帝赐给他的天份。而我们的耳朵也终于有福份,可以听到一个有灵魂的声音。

  让我们听歌的耳朵一边被沁透,一边生出温热。joanna. 她的声音,真是美得不得了。

  Joanna 首张个人专辑start from here 前后历经二年多的制作,参与录音的乐手和录音师们包含了许多西洋流行乐界的顶尖好手,带给joanna 的专辑生命力以及极富层次的美感。

  这张专辑收录了丰富的曲目。包含了7首原创英文歌,3首 joanna自己的创作,2首西洋经典的翻唱,以及5首国语歌曲。希望从各种不同的角度让大家感受 joanna的声音魅力。

  Joanna 的歌声受到各界人土的肯定和喜爱,其中“迷宫”以及“I love you ”被选为“华视 美味关系”的插曲,而“有你的快乐”以及“因为你爱我”也被选为“公视 我在垦丁.天气晴”的片头曲以及片尾曲。
