音乐咖啡厅:Love you lately带你找回遗失的爱情(在线收听

Artist:Daniel Powter
Song:Love you lately

You packed your last two bags
A taxi's 'round the bend
You used to laugh out loud
But you can't remember when
You lost your lies
It's like your moving out of time
And the whole world crumbles right beneath you

So I might've made a few mistakes
But that was back when you would smile
And we would go everywhere
But we ain't been there for awhile
And this I know
There's a place that we can go-
A place where I can finally let you know

'Cause I'm the one that loves you lately
You and me we got this great thing
We're the only one's that around
We're the only one's that around this Babylon

I hope you find whatever you've been lookin' for
Just remember where you're from and who you are
'Cause there's a thousand lights that'll make you feel brand new
But if you ever lose your way I'll be right here for you

'Cause I'm the one that loves you lately
You and me we got this great thing
So come back and you sit down Relax
Everything's to see that you've come a long long way
And it's the place that you should be

'Cause I'm the one that loves you lately
You and me we got this great thing
'Cause I'm the one that loves you lately
You and me we got this great thing
And we're the only one's that around
We're the only one's that around this Babylon


  丹尼尔(Daniel Powter)这位总是带着毛帽,有着精湛的琴艺,外型有着浓浓都会时尚感的歌手,他以充满灵骚味的假音,在2006上半年将在美国乐坛发光发热。丹尼尔细腻独特的感受力及出色的琴艺,让他总是能够在平淡无奇的生活中,找到音乐创作的题材,因此有着“城市琴人丹尼尔”的称号。城市琴人丹尼尔(Daniel Powter)专辑在去年率先在美国地区之外发行,随即在欧洲各国就掀起一阵《Bad Day疯》,在法国更是蝉连好几周的冠军,2005年的夏季单曲在英国金榜上蝉联了3周亚军,而当时强势压顶的冠军,就是同门师兄上尉诗人詹姆仕布朗特,蝉连5周单曲榜冠军的《You are beautiful/美丽的你》。随着歌曲的窜红,《坏天气/Bad Day》一曲被可口可乐用作为欧洲广告片的主题曲。

  不仅《坏天气/Bad Day》一曲受欢迎,看过音乐录影带的人也都会被当中的剧情所深深感动而发出会心的一笑,很多看过的网友都说,跟“几米”的“向左走向右走”有点类似。这支乐录影带的剧情主要是在说,男女主角是在这个大城市当中,每天过着日复一日一样生活的上班族,慢慢已经失去对生命的热情。某天女主角心情极端不好,便在地下铁里的一面墙上画上一个淋雨的女孩,表达自己的坏心情,看到这副画的男主角,便调皮地在女孩手上加上一把伞,为她挡去大雨。隔天女主角看到这幅画便开心的笑了,在接连几天的对“画”里,女主角把男主角在墙上留下的问号“?”,在问号另一边画出一半的爱心,将整个图连成一个完整的心型。两人便在一个坏天气里,带着好心情互约见面。其实在这支MV的背后还有一个小故事,那就是在拍摄这支音乐录影带的前一天,丹尼尔在温哥华的家里发生大火,整个房子付之一炬,他所有的家当都烧的精光。让他整个人Down到了谷底,而其中最难过的部份就是重回火灾现场,看到所有之前对自己有意义的物品变成一堆灰烬时,整个人有说不出的失落感。但为了完成工作,在拍摄当天,丹尼尔还是准时出现,但当他要诠释坏心情时,完全不需要酝酿,一回想起被烧毁的爱居,马上就可以投入坏情绪里。

  这首在全球都掀起热潮的单曲《坏天气/Bad Day》,主要是在表达大城市里都会中的上班族,对于日复一日机械式的生感到疲累,道出现代人缺乏生活激情的感觉。这位来自加拿大的创作型歌手“城市琴人丹尼尔(Daniel Powter)”引发全球乐迷的共鸣。而首张首张同名专辑“Daniel Powter”,有着让人朗朗上口的特质,带着有感染力节奏,让人在听过一次后就在脑海中留下深刻的印象。为全球各地不快乐的城市人,打开一扇海阔天空的窗。

