
This is speculation, however, as is the notion that the taste of sugar will soothe distress and stop infants crying, or that consuming sugar will allow adults to work through pain and exhaustion and to assuage hunger pains.


If sugar, though, is only a distraction to the infant and not actively a pain reliever or a psychoactive inducer of pleasure that overcomes any pain,


we have to explain why, in clinical trials, it is more effective in soothing the distress of infants than the mother's breast and breast milk itself.


Research literature on the question of whether sugar is addictive and thus a nutritional variant on a drug of abuse is surprisingly sparse.


Until the 1970s, and for the most part since then, mainstream authorities have not considered this question to be particularly relevant to human health.


The very limited research allows us to describe what happens when rats and monkeys consume sugar, but we're not them and they're not us.


The critical experiments are rarely if ever done on humans, and certainly not children, for the obvious ethical reasons:


we can't compare how they respond to sugar, cocaine and heroin, for instance, to determine which is more addictive.


Sugar does induce the same responses in the region of the brain known as the "reward centre" as nicotine, cocaine, heroin and alcohol.


Addiction researchers have come to believe that behaviours required for the survival of a species – specifically, eating and sex – are experienced as pleasurable in this part of the brain, and so we do them again and again.


Sugar stimulates the release of the same neurotransmitters – dopamine in particular – through which the potent effects of these other drugs are mediated.


Because the drugs work this way, humans have learned how to refine their essence into concentrated forms that heighten the rush.


Coca leaves, for instance, are mildly stimulating when chewed, but powerfully addictive when refined into cocaine; even more so taken directly into the lungs when smoked as crack cocaine.


Sugar, too, has been refined from its original form to heighten its rush and concentrate its effects.

