英语悠选脱口秀 如何舔屏长腿欧巴?(在线收听



上期呢,我们讲的是如果形容男神,How to describe prince charming or Fresh meat. Let’s have a review.

Fresh meat 小鲜肉

Netizens call swimmer Ning Zetao, fresh meat.

Mr. Muscle 肌肉男

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a Masculine guy.

Six-pack abs 6块腹肌

Tightening a beer gut (啤酒肚) into a six-pack is not easy.

Apollo's Belt 人鱼线

Girls find Apollo's Belt (or V muscle) very attractive.

Pectorals or pecs 胸肌

My boyfried has rock-hard pecs.

metrosexual 花美男

大家在生活中多多使用这些词哦。如果说上期,我们主要讨论的是男神的身材,那么这期,我们就一起来分析一下男神的颜值。说到颜值,必须要提到 花~美~男~

If you met a guy who is incredibly handsome and charming and cute, you can use Metrosexual to describe him.


David Beckham就是对这个词的最好解释。

David Beckham was hailed as the ultimate “metrosexual”


Leggy 大长腿

比如,想形容李敏镐满屏都是腿的画面就可以说: Lee’s physique is leggy.


Aloof 面瘫脸



Prof. Du depicts appears to have an icy exterior and seems very aloof.


我现在就为大家形容一下one of my favorite character, Thor!!!!!

Look at Thor!

When he smiles he is incredibly handsome, charming and cute. And look at the muscles, he is so attractive.

He not only has six packs abs, the Apollo belt, the pectoral, he also has very long legs.

His physique(体型) is so leggy. Thor can rock a mountain. His appearance can rock every girl’s heart.
