英语悠选脱口秀 公交暖男(在线收听



TODAY’s key word is Heartwarming

Heartwarming 暖心的,感人的

Something that is heart-warming makes you happy, usually because something nice has happened to you.

Here is an example:

Buying gifts for those we love should be a heartwarming experience.





One day, Godfrey Cuotto, a 22-year-old student was on his way home on a crowded bus(拥挤的公交车). 突然,他听到坐在他身边的男人说,希望能跟他握一下手,因为这拥挤的公交车让他感到十分不安。

面对这样一个意外的请求。Godfrey allowed(同意) him to hold his hand and also to hug him and lean against him on the journey.

lean against him


He later said that 'Sometimes you just have to be selfless(无私) and put someone else's needs above yours.'

这一幕感人的场景,被在同一辆车上的网友拍下来,发到了facebook上。发照片的网友说:我不知道我能不能发这张照片,but I would like to say thank you to the guy who was seating beside a special needs gentleman. He allowed him to hold his hand and find comfort well in a packed bus. It makes my day when I see stuff like that.'(make my day令我开心)

后来,被安慰的男人的家人,在facebook上看到了这条消息后,感谢了Godfrey. 他们说,他们的叔叔Robert是一名听力障碍人士,同时还患有大脑性麻痹,公交车上拥挤的人群让患病的他感到十分的紧张和不安。

The photo has garnered(获得)nearly 45,000 likes with more than 10,000 shares on Facebook.

Here are some comments(评论):

Melissa Mustapha posted: 'That beautiful really put a smile on my face.' Jamie Shaffer said: 'Despite all the negativity in the world, people are still amazing.'Godfrey 自己说,我之所以能这么做,是因为 'I was raised by a queen.'

这让人联想起电影Kingsman中的经典台词“Manners Maketh Man”

