英语悠选脱口秀 一块饼干的逆袭(在线收听



Today’s key word is Biscuit

Biscuit 饼干

A biscuit is a small flat cake that is crisp and usually sweet.

Actually, there are different ways to say 饼干。

Biscuit 是不列颠人民对饼干的称呼。我们更常用的是美国的叫法cookies。Cracker也可以用来说饼干。


Long long time ago, there is a cracker. It was on the same ship with famous Jack and Rose the Titanic.



话说,this plain biscuit was part of a survival kit(救生包) on one of the lifeboats.这块生来为救人命的饼干,并没有被当时获救的人们吃掉。

The biscuit was saved by James Fenwick, a passenger on the Carpathia(卡帕西亚号) which picked up Titanic survivors(幸存者).He kept it in an envelope(信封) complete with original notation(原装说明)“Pilot biscuit from Titanic lifeboat April 1912”.


It was sold for ?15,000。(折合成人民币将近15万。)And it was bought by a collector in Greece.拍卖者说:“It is incredible that this biscuit has survived such a dramatic event - the sinking of the world’s largest ocean liner - costing 1,500 lives.”

So Would you pay ?15,000 for a 100-year-old biscuit?
