
The point of charter schools, Dan notes, is to offer pedagogical choice to all students, not just those who can afford private schools.


It baffles him that people call Mystic Valley racist when it's producing better academic outcomes for minority students.


"The fundamental premise of charter-school education is equalizing the playing field for kids from all backgrounds,” he says.


"When you look at the data, it tells a vastly different story than what this small, vocal group of critics wants to claim.”


This is what confounds Mystic Valley's satisfied customers: What better way to fight injustice than to close the achievement gap and make better futures possible for children of color?


"One of the things that's most ironic to me is Mystic Valley being labeled conservative when it has some of the most audacious goals for student achievement,” says Brett Chevalier, a self described liberal whose daughters are in eighth and third grade at the school.

布雷特·谢瓦利埃(Brett Chevalier)自称是自由派,他的两个女儿在这所学校分别读八年级和三年级。他说:“对我来说,最具讽刺意味的一件事是,神秘谷为学生成就设定了一些最大胆的目标,却被贴上了保守的标签。”

"I see it as just the opposite—they're so idealistic, so dedicated to equality.


The problems of the Founding Fathers aside, America is founded on the idea that anybody can come here and make it.”


An MIT-trained scientist originally from lily-white rural Canada, Chevalier especially loves the diversity his children are exposed to at Mystic Valley.


Fellow parents say the school's quality is inextricable from its monocultural approach.


"The way the school handles it, the idea we're all the same—I wish I had that as a kid growing up,” says Jeff Chau, a son of Chinese immigrants who works in IT.

在IT行业工作的中国移民之子杰夫周(Jeff Chau)说:“学校处理问题的方式,我们都一样的想法——我希望我从小就有这样的想法。”

"My wife and I came from low-income families. I didn't want to be labeled and singled out, but I was. I didn't get to be the funny kid, the nice kid, the smart kid—it was always the poor kid, the Chinese kid, the short kid.”


"The poor, Chinese, short kid,” his wife Karen Chau chimes in.

“那个可怜的矮个子中国孩子,”他的妻子周凯伦(Karen Chau)插话道。

"I didn't have a lot of self-esteem growing up because of who I was.


We've progressed so far in this country, I don't think my son will ever have to go through the type of racism I experienced in inner-city Boston.”


The families I spoke with at Mystic Valley spanned the political as well as socioeconomic spectrum, from conservatives relieved their kids aren't being turned against them to liberals who relish its egalitarianism and diversity.


Tes sema Ashenafi, a financial analyst and Ethiopian immigrant, was concerned by the news reports about the school and asked his Black 13-year-old twins if anything bad had happened to them.

金融分析师、埃塞俄比亚移民泰斯·西玛·阿什纳菲(Tes sema Ashenafi)对有关这所学校的新闻报道感到担忧,他问自己13岁的黑人双胞胎是否遭遇了什么不幸。

He concluded things were being blown out of proportion.


"There are some bad apples everywhere you go, but in my perspective this has been exaggerated by people who are trying to bring down the school,” he says.


"I'm a beneficiary of this country. It has done a lot for me, much more than my birth country.”

