美国国家公共电台 NPR 如果你喜欢独处和喝啤酒,这可能是最适合你的工作(在线收听

If you enjoy solitude and beer, this may be the perfect job for you



There's an opening for the next landlord of Piel Island, which is about half a mile off England's northwestern coast. A big responsibility will be running a centuries-old pub called The Ship Inn.


Good morning. I'm A Martinez. Too bad I already have the perfect job, but maybe this could be a good fit for you. The Ship Inn sits on an island off the northwestern coast of England. The winters are cold and wet, and travel is limited, so applicants should enjoy plenty of solitude and beer. You run the pub yourself and maintain the 50-acre island, which is also home to a 14th century castle. The landlord job requires a 10-year commitment, so there's plenty of time to think really about any and everything. It's MORNING EDITION.

