
The J.P. shrugged his shoulders, and led the way into his own chamber, which was  a plainly furnished and commonplace room. As we moved across it in the direction  of the window, Holmes fell back until he and I were the last of the group. Near  the foot of the bed stood a dish of oranges and a carafe of water. As we passed  it Holmes, to my unutterable astonishment, leaned over in front of me and  deliberately knocked the whole thing over. The glass smashed into a thousand  pieces and the fruit rolled about into every corner of the room.

“You've done it now, Watson,” said he, coolly. “A pretty mess you've made of  the carpet.”

I stooped in some confusion and began to pick up the fruit, understanding for  some reason my companion desired me to take the blame upon myself. The others  did the same, and set the table on its legs again.

“Hullo!” cried the Inspector, “where's he got to?”

Holmes had disappeared.

“Wait here an instant,” said young Alec Cunningham. “The fellow is off his  head, in my opinion. Come with me, father, and see where he has got to!”

They rushed out of the room, leaving the Inspector, the Colonel, and me staring  at each other.

“'Pon my word, I am inclined to agree with Master Alec,” said the official. “ It may be the effect of this illness, but it seems to me that—”

治安官耸了耸肩,领着我们走进他自己的卧室。室内的家具、摆设很简单、平常,是一间普 普通通的房间。当我们向着窗子走去时,福尔摩斯慢腾腾地走,以至他和我都落在了大家的 后面。一床一的旁边,有一盘桔子和一瓶水。我们走过一床一边时,福尔摩斯把身一子探到 我的前面,故意把所有这些东西打翻在地。玻璃瓶摔得粉碎,水果滚得到处都是,这惊得我 张口结舌!


我慌乱地俯下一身来,开始拣水果,我知道,我的朋友想让我来承担责任,是有一定原因的 。其他人也一边拣水果,一边把桌子重新扶起来。



“请在这里等一等,”亚历克-坎宁安说道,“我看,这个人神经有些不正常,父亲,你来 ,我们一起去看看他钻到哪里去了!”


“哎呀,我同意主人亚历克的看法,”警官说道,“这可能是他犯病的结果,可是我似乎觉 得……”
