
“My dear fellow,” said he, “it was one of the first solutions which occurred  to me, but I was soon able to corroborate the doctor's tale. This young man has  left prints upon the stair-carpet which made it quite superfluous for me to ask  to see those which he had made in the room. When I tell you that his shoes were  square-toed instead of being pointed like Blessington's, and were quite an inch  and a third longer than the doctor's, you will acknowledge that there can be no  doubt as to his individuality. But we may sleep on it now, for I shall be  surprised if we do not hear something further from Brook Street in the morning. ”

Sherlock Holmes's prophecy was soon fulfilled, and in a dramatic fashion. At  half-past seven next morning, in the first glimmer of daylight, I found him  standing by my bedside in his dressing-gown.

“There's a brougham waiting for us, Watson,” said he.

“What's the matter, then?”

“The Brook Street business.”

“Any fresh news?”

“Tragic, but ambiguous,” said he, pulling up the blind. “Look at this—a  sheet from a note-book, with ‘For God's sake come at once—P. T.,’ scrawled  upon it in pencil. Our friend, the doctor, was hard put to it when he wrote  this. Come along, my dear fellow, for it's an urgent call.”

In a quarter of an hour or so we were back at the physician's house. He came  running out to meet us with a face of horror.

“Oh, such a business!” he cried, with his hands to his temples.

“What then?”

“Blessington has committed suicide!”

Holmes whistled.

“Yes, he hanged himself during the night.”

“我亲一爱一的朋友,”福尔摩斯说道,“最初我也这样想过。不过我很快就证实了医生所 讲的故事。那个年轻人在楼梯地毯上留下了脚印,这样我就没有必要再去看他留在室内的那 些脚印了。我只要告诉你,他的鞋是方头的,不象布莱星顿的鞋那样是尖头的,又比医生的 鞋长一英寸三,你就可以知道,毫无疑问,是有这么个年轻人了。不过话就说到这里,我们 现在可以安睡了。如果明天早晨我们从布鲁克街听不到新情况,那倒会使我惊奇呢。”

歇洛克-福尔摩斯的预言很快就实现了,并且颇具戏剧一性一的形式。第二天早晨七点半, 在晨光熹微中,我看到福尔摩斯穿着晨衣站在我的一床一旁。





“是一个悲剧,不过还不一定,”福尔摩斯一边说着一边拉起窗帘,“请看这个,这是从笔 记本上撕下来的一张纸条,上面用铅笔草草写着:‘请看在上帝的面上,立即前来。珀西- 特里维廉。’我们的朋友,这位医生写这张便条时,处境是极为困难了。随我来,我亲一爱 一的朋友,因为情况很紧急。”






