纪录片《文明》 第203期 重要的火花(15)(在线收听

The Ghanaian artist El Anatsui lives and works in Nigeria.


I think it's OK.


His glowing, lustrous, robe-like hangings seem to flow down the wall,as if sumptuously soft fabric.

他的悬挂雕塑像长袍般 闪闪发光 如华丽柔软的布料 沿着墙壁倾泻流淌

This immense mantle-like robe is made of tens of thousands of flattened bottle tops.

这条巨大的 像斗篷一样的长袍 由几万个压扁的瓶盖组成

From bottles of booze - whisky, rum and beer.

它们来自威士忌 朗姆酒和啤酒瓶

But they are treated almost as if they were the work of a medieval mosaic maker.

但它们组成的作品 仿佛出自中世纪镶嵌画家之手

These are glowing, shimmering tiles,and they are connected,or wired, just by copper wiring.

这些闪闪发光的金属片相互连接 仅凭铜线串联在一起

So what you have, actually, in this extraordinary piece of work is something that operates on so many different levels.

实际上 这件非凡的作品表达出了 多种层次的内涵

El Anatsui's father in Ghana wove kentae fabrics,which were made for festive occasions.

艾尔·安纳祖的父亲在加纳纺织肯塔布料 这种布料用于节日庆祝

So, bursting from this phenomenal array of colours is that sense of memory and practice of rejoicing but also these tens of thousands of bottle tops it's about urban waste.

所以 这些惊人的色彩编排中 爆发出的是喜悦的记忆与感触 但几万个瓶盖同时也代表着城市废物

So what we have here is the experience of that African culture in this huge metropolitan beehive swarm of the modern West African city.

因此我们面前的这幅作品是现代非洲西部城市 组成的庞大都市蜂群中的非洲文化体验

And it does something else, that is quite hard to find sometimes amidst the self-conscious witticisms and poses and intellectualism of contemporary art,it does not hold its nose at the idea of beauty.

它的另一个特点 在大多数当代艺术忸怩的戏谑与姿态和理智主义中显得与众不同 它并没有对美的概念嗤之以鼻

Not at all - it reinvents it.

完全没有 它重新定义了美

The strongest contemporary art has this magical power of transformation.

