财经金融新闻 公务员考试降温(在线收听

In today's podcast, we look at what could be behind a decline in recruitment interest for the civil service in China.


Is the iron rice bowl losing a bit of its shine? Known as a career with steady employment, the civil service has traditionally seen its number of applications overwhelmingly outnumber positions available. But this year saw a shift in turnout, with more than one-third of the people registered to take the test not evensitting for the exam on November 30.


The low turnout came as government agencies made more jobs available for candidates. A record 22,000 positions were made available, 3,000 more than last year.


The State Administration of Civil Service said 1.4 million candidates signed up to take the test it administers, 110,000 less than last year. About 510,000 people signed up for the exam, but did not attend.


The typically coveted jobs with the Chinese government saw a major decline in competition. In 2010, 59 people took the test for every open position, but this year the ratio was 40:1, the lowest in nine years. Themost desired job for 2015 is with a procurement center affiliated with the National Government Offices Administration. It attracted 2,625 candidates. Last year, the figure was 9,470.


Some analysts attributed the decline in interest to the central government's efforts to fight corruption, making the jobs less appealing. Others argued that it could have something to do with the introduction of stricter qualifications during the screening stage.


For Caixin Online, This is Diana Bates.

