财经金融新闻 马云或将成为香港公民(在线收听

In today's podcast, commentators ask if Alibaba Group founder Jack Ma will join the influx of mainland Chinese to Hong Kong


Media reports in China and in the former British colony have said Ma will become a Hong Kong resident by the end of 2015 through an investment immigration plan. The 49-year-old Ma is a native of the eastern city of Hangzhou and is expected to become China's richest man after his company goes public in New York. In 2008, Alibaba's public relations department said Ma applied for Hong Kong's Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals. That program is designed to attract immigrants in certain professions from the mainland, but is different from the investment immigration plan. Ma told reporters in Hong Kong last Octoberat a briefing on Alibaba's listing plans that he applied to the talents program and would become permanentresident of the city in a couple of years but more recently said he enjoyed being from Hangzhou. Hong Kong's low income tax rate and close economic and cultural ties has attracted many overseas and mainland investors seeking residency.


For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates.

