财经金融新闻 竞逐无人机2.0时代(在线收听

Chinese drone manufacturers are reaching for the sky on growing interest among investors and tech-savvy consumers. But as developments in the market continue to accelerate, regulations have failed to keep up.


DJI Innovations, a Shenzhen-based drone developer reported an increase in sales of three million yuan in 2010 to 800 million yuan, only three years later. In May, the company received US$ 75 million in investment from Accel Partners, a U.S. investor behind the success of Internet heavyweights Facebook and Dropbox. The company specializes in drones built for commercial and hobbyist photographers. The drones can be controlled by smartphone or tablet and are priced at under US$ 1,000. DJI said it supplies 70 percent of the world’s civilian drone market.

这家总部位于深圳的无人机企业大疆创新报道称在2010年,大疆的销售额仅有300万元人民币,而到了2013年已飙升至8亿元人民币。五月份,大疆获得来自Accel Partners的7500万美元投资,这家基金是Facebook、Dropbox等知名互联网公司的早期投资方。该公司主要制作的是商用,以及航拍无人机。人们能够通过智能手机或是平板电脑控制飞机,每架的造价低于1000美元。大疆的产品占据全球民用小型无人机约70%的市场份额。

Earlier in 2014, Guangzhou-based drone designer XAircraft, received US$ 20 million in private investment. Founded in 2007, the company makes drones for a range of uses from pesticide spraying to delivery. Gong Qin, a founder of the company, said its delivery drones make 500 trips daily between the cities of Dongguan and Huizhou.


As the nascent sector grows, however, even drone manufacturers are asking for directions in terms of tech standards and regulation. China does not currently have any laws on the regulation of drones. On July 15, DJI announced it appointed a U.S. lawyer known successfully defending the first federal case involving the operation of a commercial drone.


For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates.

