生存游戏 Survive(3)(在线收听

8.You are a long way down(顺) the valley, and it is nearly night again. You make a fire in the trees and eat the bananas. The next morning you are very hungry. You must find something to eat. In the snow you see the tracks(足迹) of an animal.Perhaps you can kill and eat this animal.

8. 你顺着山谷走了很远。夜晚又要来临了。你在树林里生起了火,吃了香蕉。第二天早上,你感到很饿,你必须去找些吃的。在雪地里你发现了动物的足迹,说不定你可以猎杀它用来做食物。

You walk after the tracks. Go to 39.


You are afraid of big animals. Perhaps the animal is dangerous. You walk down the mountain. Go to 17.


9. You walk for a few minutes, carrying the bananas, the cigarette lighter and the map. But it is very cold.

9. 你带着香蕉,打火机和地图走了几分钟,感到非常寒冷。

You light a fire. Go to 36.


You go back to the plane and get the whisky. Go to 34.


10. It is now afternoon. You begin to feel very ill. Perhaps the fruit is poisonous(有毒的). You sit down in the snow. You cannot walk. You sit in the snow and get colder and colder.

10. 到下午了,你开始感觉很不舒服。可能那些果子有毒。你走不动了,坐在雪地上,觉得越来越冷。

Go back to 1.

