纪录片《美国商业大亨传奇》 喋血工厂(25)(在线收听

Henry Frick has never been concerned with what people think of his methods.


He's about one thing......Winning.

他只关心一件事 胜利

Carnegie didn't enjoy being the bad guy,being the villain.

卡内基不喜欢被当成坏人 被当成恶棍

Frick didn't seem to mind.


I think the great leaders find partners who basically can exploit their weaknesses,but not kind of dance on their strengths.

我认为伟大领袖找的合作者应该在他们的弱项上发挥作用 而不是在他们的强项上

Instead of hiring weaker versions of themselves,they hire people that are tremendous experts at what they're not.

比起找弱版的自己 他们更愿意找自己不擅长领域的专家

Henry shows me the ledgers,and that was not the number I was expecting.

亨利给我看了账目 数字比我想象的还高

Now, the only question remains is how much we'll make next year.


With Frick firmly installed as chairman of Carnegie Steel...


...The boss heads to Scotland to give him room to operate.

