纽约时报 令人费解的时代策略(3)(在线收听

Even beyond that, though, Sterling's address was just plain watchable: urgent, sincere, impassioned -


exactly the kind of thing we've been taught, by decades of earnest films and Aaron Sorkin teleplays, to see as a stirring outcropping of authentic humanity into the hot air and hedging of politics.


But then the problem - the intractable, signature problem of our moment - is that for many people, the same was true of Carone.


It's not as if we've had any shortage, lately, of people clamoring for the role of vivid truth-tellers against an incorrigible system.


Our president, for one, learned long ago that people enjoyed watching him abandon the decorum usually brought to the office.


Add to that his unique lack of attachment to consistent principles or positions or sets of facts, and often all that's left when the White House speaks is raw interpersonal drama - taunting, baiting, shaming, flattering or humiliating whomever it is that's being addressed.


This is the approach to communication that made Carone more watchable than any of the more polished crackpots around her.


It tends to stick in the mind.


The Trump administration spent less time engaging the press than any since Reagan's, but you may well carry forward more indelible memories of its surreal theater than you will from eight years' worth of Obama briefings -


whether you thought that spectacle came at the expense of the presidency, or the press corps, or just the nation.

