纽约时报 犹他州发现神秘金属柱(2)(在线收听

The site had evidently been chosen with care.


The pillar was dramatically situated at the base of a slot canyon, encircled by sheer walls in a geometric arrangement.


It looked like the setting for some ancient ritual, or at least the set of a "Star Trek" episode.


Framed against the vast desert sky and towering red rocks, the sleek pillar was an intruder from another world, like a sculpture that had fallen off a truck on its way to Art Basel.


Was it a work of landscape art? A parody of landscape art?


It was well constructed and had been skillfully installed in a neatly cut cavity.


The unseen narrator of the D.P.S. videos laughs incredulously: "Who does this kind of stuff?"


There's a hint of unease that mirrors the viewer's, a suspicion that we are being set up.


Even if the pillar isn't dangerous, it may be a booby trap: a joke, cosmic or otherwise, at our expense.


Add a foreboding soundtrack, and this could be the opening scene of a sci-fi movie, the eerie discovery that sets the plot in motion.


That's more or less what happened: When the D.P.S. announced its discovery on the 20th, the pillar became a sensation.


Believers in U.F.O.s insisted that it "fell out of the sky" and aired conspiracy theories about government cover-ups.


The government, for its part, winked at the idea of aliens.


The D.P.S. referred to the pillar as "the monolith," an apparent reference to the extraterrestrial structures in Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey" - one of which appears after an astronaut is sucked into a vortex of light that sends him shooting through space-time.


The Utah Bureau of Land Management tweeted reminders that using public land this way was "illegal, no matter what planet you are from," and that the road to the site was "not suitable for most earth-based vehicles."

