纪录片《大英博物馆世界简史》 001木乃伊霍尼杰提(1)(在线收听

001:Mummy of Hornedjitef木乃伊霍尼杰提

Abstract 内容摘要:

Mummy of Hornedjitef (third century BC). A wooden coffin from Thebes, Egypt


MP3 文本:

You are about to hear the sound of the past, In fact It's the sound of a ghost, it's a haunting magnetic pulse -which is all that's left of a mighty star that we can still hear today, thanks to the Centre for Astrophysics at Jodrell Bank.

远古的声音实际上是幽灵的声音,那是挥之不去的磁脉冲波——一个巨大的恒星仅存的残余。感谢坐落于周德尔堤(Jodrell Bank)的天体物理学研究中心,我们今天依然能够听到这个磁波。

The explosion that killed this star was so intense, that it was seen in broad daylight across Europe, North America and China in the summer of the year 1054; at least that's what the year was called in Europe. So what was our world up to, when men and women, however they counted the years, were gazing up to the heavens at this dying star, which they could see and we can still hear?


What were they doing, making, thinking? Well, a thousand years ago in America, pyramids are taking shape on the Mississippi river; the world's first bank notes are circulating in China; a magnificent Baghdad is the largest city in the world; in West Africa, Ghana rules a vast empire and, on a chilly island in northern Europe, there's a nasty surprise on the horizon for a king called Harold.


In these programmes, I'm travelling back in time and across the globe, to see how we humans, over two million years, have shaped our world, and been shaped by it. And I'm going to tell this story exclusively through the 'things' that humans have made ... all sorts of 'things', carefully designed and then either admired and preserved or used, broken and thrown away.


I've chosen just a hundred objects from different points on our journey -from a cooking pot to a golden galleon, from a Stone Age tool to a credit card, and in each programme I'm going to be talking about one object from the British Museum's collection.


'When I see it, I immediately think of the mastery of technology and art, the welding of the two ...' 'I just thought it was beautiful to look at, that it made me feel that it was used, and used again and again ...' 'It's a beautiful object, and it's fascinating, of course, because it's probably quite accurate ...' 'Holding this I can feel what it was like to be out on the African savannahs ...'A history of the world in a hundred objects-the Mummy of Hornedjitef . A wooden coffin from Thebes in Egypt(third century BC).


