纪录片《大英博物馆世界简史》 011古埃及法老德闻的凉鞋标签(4)(在线收听

It's one of the earliest societies that we can think of as a state in the modern sense, and as one of its earliest leaders,


King Den had to address all the problems of control and co-ordination that a modern state has to confront today.


You might not expect to discover how he did it from the label on his shoes, but Den's sandals were no ordinary shoes,


they were very high status items-and the Keeper of the Sandals was one of the high court officials,


so it's not so surprising that on the back of the label we have a clear statement of how this pharaoh exercised power.


The model evolved in Den's Egypt five thousand years ago resonates uncannily around the world to this day.


On the other side from the sandals [in the museum] is their owner, dressed in a royal head-dress with a mace in one hand and a whip in the other.


King Den stands in combat, authoritatively smiting an enemy who cowers at his feet.


Of course the first thing we look for is his sandals but, disappointingly, he's barefoot.


This little label is the first image in our series of a ruler-and it's striking that, right at the beginning,


the ruler wants to be shown as commander-in-chief, conquering his foe. This is how, from earliest times, power has been projected through images.

