科学美国人60秒 通过咀嚼消耗的能量超乎想象(1)(在线收听

This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Christopher Intagliata.


When paleoanthropologists eat lunch with biomechanists...well, let's just say the small talk can get pretty technical.


Some of us would have cooked potatoes and other people would bring raw salads, they would just spend longer time chewing that food.


This got us thinking about not just the temporal amount of time it takes to get through your food, but are they expending more energy than those who are eating cooked food.


Adam Van Casteren of the University of Manchester says, luckily, there's a machine to measure that.


It's a clear chamber you slip over your head -- looks like an astronaut's helmet.


And it measures the oxygen you breathe in, versus the carbon dioxide you breathe out--a proxy for how much energy you're burning.


Van Casteren and his colleagues got 21 volunteers to sit in that apparatus for 45 minutes, just to get a baseline on their metabolism.


Then, they gave them flavorless gum to chew on, for 15 minutes at a time.


If you ever have to chew something for 15 minutes it's much longer than you think.

如果你不得不嚼某样东西15 分钟,那可比你想的时间要长得多。

And sometimes you have to remind people "keep chewing!"


And boring is the key point here, I mean, like if you've chewed gum for way too long and it's lost its flavor and it's just this thing--that's what the participants were chewing.


Co-author Amanda Henry of Leiden University in the Netherlands explained that, rather than cooked potatoes and raw salads -- they needed something with no taste or smell.


Because anything appetizing would set off a chain of digestive reactions.


Saliva and digestive juices would start flowing and that activity would swamp the metabolic measurements related to chewing.

唾液和消化液会开始流动, 这种活动会淹没与咀嚼相关的代谢测量。

And those measurements were significant -- turns out chewing a soft gum boosted the volunteers' metabolic rates by 10 percent above baseline.


A stiffer gum revved up metabolic rate by 15 percent.

